Metro 2033

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Metro 2033 Detailed description

Metro 2033 A morality system based on points and measured by a proprietary engine. Metro 2033 is a single player first-person shooter (FPS) that incorporates role-playing game (RPG) elements. Based on the best selling novel of the same name by Dmitry A. Glukhovsky, it tells the story of humanity's struggle for survival in the forgotten tunnels of Moscow's underground subway system following a devastating nuclear war. Features include mission play combining a unique mix of firearm and melee combat, an economy revolving around ammo and items and an experience system which takes each of your actions into account, leading to a variety of possible alternate endings and extended replay value. .caption ul.indent table.callout td.vgoverview Story The apocalypse came by our own making, with a single blinding flash, followed by a firestorm of sheer flame. It took just an hour and a half to wipe out 3.5 billion people and 10,000 years of civilization, plunging humanity into a hopeless Dark Age. In the aftermath, survivors in Moscow moved underground and slowly organized into small socially and politically independent tribes, clustered around the city's deep, subway stations. The young man, Artyom is among them. A member of the first generation of children raised in the subterranean world following the apocalypse, he has only the vaguest recollections of life above ground, and contact with other humans beyond those that inhabit his local station, "Exhibition," but he will have to face new experiences with both if humanity is to survive. Mutated beasts known as "Dark Ones" are spreading throughout the isolated stations of the Metro, and Artyom has been chosen as the messenger to spread the news of the new peril.

Metro 2033 features

  • Diversity of combat ranging from brutally intense action from a distance, to melee combat fought with improvised weapons.
  • Unique economy and inventory management systems based on ammunition and items which can be used to take down enemies
  • A menacing atmosphere incorporating shadows, ambient sounds
  • An RPG-light story where players encounter NPC’s via engaging and trading activities across the various ‘
  • A morality system based on points and measured by a proprietary engine

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